Ozone pollution is getting worse as the climate warms. Now interdisciplinary research from the University of Utah documents compelling link between prenatal exposures on Utah's Wasatch Front and increased risk of intellectual disability.
Firm growth drives job creation and allocation of resources. The importance of particular modes of growth, their inter-relationships, and their relation to future performance is vital for understanding how firms and industries evolve. In a new study, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, professor of business economics and public policy, provides an in-depth analysis of firm growth and offers new insights into the relative importance and impact of organic and transactional modes of growth.
A method called quantum ghost imaging (QGI) allow scientists to capture images at extremely low light levels. QGI also enables the use of one color to examine a sample with extremely low light and another color to form the image. The method allows detailed imaging and monitoring without damage to live plants, allowing examination of active plant processes such as photosynthesis.
حقق مركز مايو كلينك للطب الفردي إنجازًا مهمًا من خلال دراسة واسعة النطاق (تابستري)، والتي أسفرت عن أكبر مجموعة من بيانات الإكسوم تنتجها مايو كلينك على الإطلاق، والتي شملت الجينات المسؤولة عن تشفير البروتينات — وهي بمثابة المفتاح لفهم المزيد عن الصحة والمرض.
Older adults whose blood pressure fluctuates over time may be more likely to have problems with thinking and memory skills, according to a study published in the December 11, 2024, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The association was found in Black participants but not in white participants in the study.
Conservationists have succeeded in restoring tiger populations in a region where they were virtually absent for more than 50 years in Russia. This restoration took place from 2012-2021 in the Pri-Amur region of Russia.
Endovascular therapy, or EVT, – a minimally invasive surgery performed inside the blood vessels – is 2 ½ times more likely than standard medical management to achieve a positive outcome after vertebrobasilar stroke that affects the back of the brain, including the brain stem.
In the first study of its kind, University of South Australia researchers found that compared to the yearly average, people’s alcohol intake in December was 70% higher, non-alcoholic drinks (like juice and soft drinks) were about 30% higher, and sweet and savoury snacks were about 10% higher.
Illinois Grainger Engineering researchers examined sustainable aviation as a process that connects communities and mobilizes people, goods, and services—all while minimizing negative impacts on human health, fostering a productive quality of life, and conserving natural resources.